Saturday, November 1, 2008

Emerald Salad

1 box Lime Geletin                1 C Pinapple juice                
12 Marshmellows                1/2 Pt. Heavy Whipped Cream   1 Pt Cottage Cheese            
1 C drained Crushed Pineapple 1/2 C Chopped Pecans or English Walnuts                           
Serve on Lettuce (or alone)                                                   
Whip Cream. Add marshmellows and pineapple juice to geletin and put on range. Heat until marshmellows are melted. 
Chill, remove from refrigerator and break up gelitin. Add pineapple, nuts, cottage cheese, folding, fold in whipped cream. 
Chill thoroughly.   

My family as a kid always had this.  Dougs family other than his dad is not fond of this.  

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